Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Pre-Review Review

As I think back over this school year,
thus far,
I am mentally attempting to track
our progress against my preconceived
notions about what this year would be

Let me see...

The Bible side of things is better
than I imagined.
Our Pastor is doing
a fabulous series of Sunday School lessons
from the minor prophets. There is so much
history and theology discussion starters in
there that I never even thought to think
about. we prepare to begin a new Church
Work there are by-laws to read and understand.
This is an ongoing process for Jonathan.
It is good.

Math is slower than I had hoped for.

Science is different than I originally
planned but is falling into place very

Literature has been very interesting and
we are seeing results of the labors.
Poetry is being read and written,
books are being consumed. They are
coming alongside each of the other
subjects nicely.

Two children are taking a speech class.
Chelsea brought books home from
the Library to learn to be a better
public speaker...she looked them up
on the computerized system herself.
Mommy was pleased at this initiative.
She has been looking books up for a long time
it was the subject that pleasantly surprised me.

History is tying in with our reading.
We have studied many far away places and
have done more of a unit study this year than
ever before. It has been fun.

One child is working and is being quizzed by his
boss on various subjects.
Somehow Mikey learns better from his boss
than from his Mom. Hmmmmm.....
As long as he is learning...right?

Chelsea continues to progress in her
French lessons.

Jonathan continues to show a good
attitude and has mastered math concepts
that he never could before.

Mikey continues to "HATE" school...
but watches Mythbusters....real world science...
in his spare time.
I do not tell him it is science.
Mums the word!

He did make several favorable comments
about our current read-a-loud this week
and was inspired by it to draw a picture,
unsolicited, of one of the scenes described.
He thinks they should make it into a movie.
Think it has his attention?
Remember, he hates books...ha!

The rocket building and blasting fun
will pick up again soon, as the weather
gets more agreeable.

We have been budgeting, researching, and
learning about how the real world works financially.

We have been active with friends and church.

Co-op has again been a huge blessing in rounding
out the edges of our school year.

There are so many things that are positive...
things that keep us going.

The children are maturing at an alarming rate
and soon will be putting all of this learning
to the test...out there!

It has been an interesting year... this year.

We have had our ups and downs but progress is
being made!

I'm good with that.

Becky K.

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