Monday, December 17, 2007

Sibling Relationships in a Homeschool Family...

One of my favorite blessings of homeschooling is watching our children get to be friends with each other. The amounts of time they spend together are amazing. This year each of them has been on a separate shopping trip with a Grandmother to do Christmas shopping for each other and other family members. The excitement with which they come home is wonderful.

Today, I took Jonathan along as I shopped for Mikey. He was such a huge help as he knows Mikey's likes and dislikes so well. I just know that Mikey is going to be thrilled with what we found for him today.

My mother took Jonathan and Chelsea out shopping last week. She told me later how much she enjoyed their joking, laughing and just enjoying each other as they went about town.

Our kids have friends in common, from church, homeschool co-op and the neighborhood and can very much enjoy doing things in groups without someone complaining of being left out.

It is not always so easy. They do get on each others' nerves sometimes and we have to be aware and give them each their own time and space... but overall, I think our children will be friends and great support for each other the rest of their lives.

Another benefit of homeschooling.

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