Chelsea and I have a plan for this new
school year. It involves a field trip per
week. Not just random field trips, mind you.
We are going to visit cafe's and eateries
all over our area.
You see, it is Chelsea's dream to open a
Cafe' one day. I can think of no better way
to do research and plan than to go to see
what others have done. Perhaps we will work
up the nerve to speak with the owners.
We will have a list of questions prepared
in case it is convenient.
In any case, Chelsea will have a notebook
and pen, with an assignment of writing down
the top three and bottom three observations
at each establishment.
I know that she is serious as her first notebook
is getting to be full of lists of coffee drinks and
baked goods she wants to offer. Next on her
agenda is to work to develop her own recipes for
each of these items. She wants to be as original
as is possible.
I think this is lining up to be a very fun
and tasty school year at Hospitality Lane!