Monday, December 14, 2009

Some Days We Just Have to Listen...

In my last post I tried to encourage
you in thinking outside the box when
it comes to fulfilling your role as
a homeschool parent.

It is so easy to fall into the textbook
trap. Ask me, I KNOW!

Textbooks are easy for us...but they are
not always the best for our students.

Before you go crazy, I am not saying that
I do not use textbooks. I do use them, but
in their place. They are a great resource for
timelines, dates, names of important people.

They are a wonderful resource to see what has
been deemed worthy of covering during a school
year. Then I take that information and break
it down at the library in biographies, quality
historical fictions and videos.

By offering information in multiple sources and
in varying types you will hit most students
learning style at several points during the
year. This means that our students get the
discipline of working at things that may not be
their favorites...for me that would be textbooks...
but they also get a break as they read a living
book about those they are studying.

Also, I believe strongly, that our high school
students are not too old to be read aloud to for
some of their coursework. It is fun...there can
be discussion at any given point as there are
multiple people at the same point in the book
or text.

If you are not accustomed to this it may seem
strange at first, but it is something that works
very well for us. We are now at a point where
we take turns reading out loud to each other.
It is amazing to hear how everyone's reading skills
have improved and how much more they get out of it
when they have these opportunities to "teach" each

There have been many days where I have seen one of
my children somewhat distressed by an assignment I
have given. On my better days, I am in tune enough
to take that child aside and ask what is wrong and
how we can make it better.

On my really, really good days after I ask that
question, I shut up! I listen to what they are
saying and then I make adjustments. Do I take the
responsibilities of the work away? No.
But, if possible, I make it more tolerable.
Learning does not have to be a painful experience.

Learning is something we should be doing all of our
lives and enjoying the process makes it more likely
to continue even after graduation. That is my goal.

Not to make it to graduation...but to watch my kids
love to explore and gain new knowledge about life,
God and career...always!

Happy Homeschooling!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Thank you SOOOOO much for your blog today! It gave me some real encouragment to continue with what I believe God has called me to do with my kids!!
I hope you have a very very MERRY CHRISTmas!!