Saturday, September 20, 2008

Homeschool Co-op has Begun!


It began with a bang!

Nearly 60 families arrived at
the church auditorium with excitement
and trepidation.

The returning families were delighted to
see each other...the new families looked
a bit tentative.

Nonetheless, it was wonderful
to see every one.

I sat with many high schoolers as the opening
announcements were made. I have known many
of these young people since they were in elementary
grades. My, how they have grown.
And so nicely too.

It blesses my heart to see older siblings caring
for younger as some Moms have responsibilities in
leading the co-op.
There are no obvious complaints.
They just serve like that.

There are always things that need adjustments,
our co-op has those too. We are working them
out. I am so thankful for the solid foundation
of friendship that makes ironing out the wrinkles

Co-op is not just about the students.
The parents need this connection also.

Most times it is the Moms, however, lately
some of the Dads have been meeting together
quarterly for breakfast . I think this is
great. It is a very good thing to see these
Dads recognizing their part in the homeschool
process and wanting to do more to support their
wives and children.

Well, enough rambling.

I'll be back with updates every now and then.

Becky K.

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